Students who are interested in applying for the NSF-DHS-funded CyberCorps® Scholarship for Service (SFS) Program at FIU must be:
- US Citizen or Permanent resident*
- Undergraduate (Junior or Senior in all STEM majors), Master’s (in all STEM majors), or PhD students (CS and ECE majors) students
- Attending FIU on a full-time basis while receiving the scholarship
- Already accepted or admitted to FIU in either the ECE or CS departments
- Able to meet selection criteria for Federal or State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial government employment. Final job placement may require a security clearance* and SFS students may be required to undergo a background investigation to obtain clearance.
- Competitive students with a strong GPA (3.25 or higher on 4.0 scale)
*Security clearance, and many federal agencies, require U.S. citizenship. It is the FIU SFS student’s responsibility to attain such a position in federal, state, local, tribal or territorial governments given these limitations.
SFS Recipient Obligations
- Adhere to the requirements of the SFS program at FIU
- Maintain a specified GPA
- Attend the CyberCorp® Scholarship for Service Job Fair in Washington, D.C. in January of each year.
- Complete a summer internship at approved U.S. Federal, State, Local, tribal, or Territorial government organization each year in which the recipient is funded*.
- After graduation, work for an approved U.S. U.S. Federal, State, Local, tribal, or Territorial government organization for a period equal to the length of the scholarship*.
- Complete a degree program at FIU on time through a plan of study with a significant focus on cybersecurity
- Participate research and academic development meetings, seminars, conferences, and other SFS program related activities.
- Meet with the assigned faculty mentor periodically.
- Reimburse the United States if you withdraw from the program or fail to qualify for government employment.
* Each SFS recipient is responsible for identifying, applying for, or securing a suitable internship or a job at an approved U.S. federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial government organization. Numerous resources are available including an online and physical annual job fair specifically for SFS students as well as the assistance of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) which oversees permanent placement for scholarship students.